Terms of Use

Product Description

vitality-fit.uk is a search engine for mail-order pharmacies and shops, specifically for searching for dietary supplements and medical products. The use of the search engine is free of charge. Using the search engine alone does not establish a contractual relationship between vitality-fit.uk and the users. Users are only provided with product information provided by the affiliated pharmacies.
The search is explicitly not conducted across the entire internet, but only within the offers of registered shops that are contractually connected to vitality-fit.uk. The provided content exclusively originates from the affiliated providers and not from vitality-fit.uk itself. vitality-fit.uk merely conducts a comparison of this content, based solely on technical search algorithms. There is no verification of the quality or evaluation of the content and the displayed products.
vitality-fit.uk is not an online pharmacy itself, but only assists in product searches on the internet. The offers identified via vitality-fit.uk refer to the online shops of the respective affiliated pharmacies. vitality-fit.uk cannot guarantee the accuracy of the offered information, as well as the availability and quality of the goods.
The price savings displayed in the price comparison for one or more products are calculated based on the pharmacy offers transmitted to vitality-fit.uk.

Contractual Relationship

The product information provided within a price comparison is not a contractual offer from vitality-fit.uk and is therefore non-binding for vitality-fit.uk. vitality-fit.uk does not guarantee the availability of the product offers from the affiliated pharmacies and shops. When ordering products, vitality-fit.uk is not a contracting party and is also not the representative of the respective provider. The conclusion of contracts takes place exclusively with the affiliated pharmacies via their respective own online shops. Contract processing also takes place exclusively through the affiliated pharmacies. Any contractual claims, especially regarding fulfillment, defects, and/or damages, can therefore only be asserted in the contractual relationship with the respective pharmacy or shop where the products were ordered.


vitality-fit.uk does not guarantee the timeliness, correctness, completeness, accuracy, and quality of the information provided on its website. vitality-fit.uk expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete parts of its website or the entire content of its website without separate notice.
Claims against vitality-fit.uk relating to damages of a material or immaterial nature caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded, unless vitality-fit.uk is guilty of intentional or grossly negligent behavior.
This does not apply in the event of liability under mandatory statutory provisions, especially for guaranteed characteristics, claims under the Product Liability Act, and damages arising from injury to life, body, or health.

Links and References

In the case of direct or indirect links or references to third-party websites for which vitality-fit.uk is not responsible, liability would only apply if vitality-fit.uk or the author is aware of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable to prevent use in the event of unlawful content. vitality-fit.uk hereby expressly declares that at the time of linking, no illegal content was recognizable on the linked pages. vitality-fit.uk has no influence on the current and future design, content, or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, vitality-fit.uk expressly distances itself from all content of all linked pages that were changed after the link was set. This statement applies to all links and references within the own internet offer as well as to third-party entries by other authors on this page, especially in the forum. The provider of the page to which reference was made is solely liable for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information.

Prohibited Use

The use of the search engine offered by vitality-fit.uk for commercial purposes is not permitted without the express consent of vitality-fit.uk. Likewise, searching for illegal content of any kind, especially criminally prohibited content, prohibited pornographic content, right-wing or left-wing extremist content, and/or content glorifying violence, is not permitted. If such results should be obtained from such a search query, this is solely due to technical search algorithms, but does not constitute an expression of opinion or assertion of fact by vitality-fit.uk. vitality-fit.uk expressly distances itself from such content.

Copyright and Trademark Rights

vitality-fit.uk strives to respect the copyrights of third-party authors to images, graphics, texts, or other copyrighted works, as well as the rights to names, brands, trade names, titles, and trademarks of third parties on its website.
All names, brands, trade names, titles, and trademarks mentioned within the internet pages of vitality-fit.uk and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the respectively valid name and trademark rights and the rights of the respective owners. The mere mention of names, brands, trade names, titles, and trademarks alone does not imply that they are not protected by third-party rights and/or that third parties have rights to them.
As soon as vitality-fit.uk becomes aware of a violation of third-party copyright, name, and trademark rights on its internet pages, the corresponding entry will be removed immediately.
The works created by vitality-fit.uk itself, in particular programs, databases, images, graphics, and texts, are protected under copyright law. The rights to these copyrighted works, especially all usage and exploitation rights, belong solely to vitality-fit.uk. Reproduction, distribution, and public reproduction of these works are not permitted without the express consent of vitality-fit.uk. The assertion of civil law claims in the event of a copyright infringement as well as its criminal prosecution are expressly reserved.

Data Protection

The privacy policy of vitality-fit.uk can be accessed here.

Note on Information about Therapies or Medications

The information about medications or therapies is transmitted by the participating online pharmacies and/or users of the forum themselves and is only intended for product identification and exchange of experiences among users. They do not replace professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist. For questions about medications, risks, and side effects, please contact your doctor or pharmacist. The internet pages of the pharmacies participating in vitality-fit.uk provide appropriate contact options for this purpose.

Effectiveness of the Terms of Use

By using the website, the user agrees to the terms of use. vitality-fit.uk reserves the right to change its terms of use.