
vitality-fit.uk is not a pharmacy or supplier of pharmaceutical products. Users are only provided with product information provided by affiliated pharmacies. The content provided comes exclusively from the affiliated pharmacies and third-party providers. vitality-fit.uk only conducts a comparison of the products, which is based solely on technical search algorithms. There is no review of the quality or evaluation of the content and products displayed.
The product information is not a contractual offer from vitality-fit.uk and is therefore non-binding for vitality-fit.uk. When ordering products, vitality-fit.uk is not a contracting party and is also not the representative of the respective provider. The conclusion of the contract takes place exclusively with the affiliated pharmacies via their respective own online shops. The contract processing also takes place exclusively via the affiliated pharmacies. Any contractual claims, especially for performance, defects, and/or damages, can therefore only be asserted in the contractual relationship with the respective pharmacy where the products have been ordered.
Claims against vitality-fit.uk relating to the price savings displayed on its pages for over-the-counter medicines are excluded, as the calculation and representation are based on the price difference of pharmacy offers transmitted to us and thus internal data available.
vitality-fit.uk assumes no liability for the timeliness, correctness, completeness, accuracy, and quality of the information provided on its website. vitality-fit.uk expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete, or temporarily or permanently discontinue parts of its website or the entire content of its website without separate notice.
Claims against vitality-fit.uk relating to material or immaterial damages caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded unless there is intentional or grossly negligent behavior on the part of vitality-fit.uk.
This does not apply in the event of liability under mandatory statutory liability provisions, especially for guaranteed characteristics, claims under the Product Liability Act, and damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health.
Products and their prices are transmitted and maintained by the participating online pharmacies themselves. Information about medicines or therapies is directly provided by third-party providers and is only used for product identification. This information as well as user contributions in the forum do not replace the professional advice of a doctor or pharmacist. For questions about medicines, risks, and side effects, please contact your doctor or pharmacist. Corresponding contact options are published on the websites of the pharmacies participating in vitality-fit.uk.